
Composer Andrey Klimkovsky. BLOG

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Andrey Klimkovsky is a Russian composer working in the electronic music space. Musical images he created — «Music of Celestial Spheres», «Starry Sky», «ALEALA» and «DreamOcean» have become classics of the genre, gaining fame both in Russia and abroad. The musician regularly gives spectacular live concerts and collaborates with many other representatives of the Russian electronic scene, leads a popular community about synthesizers and workstations, participates in astronomical expeditions and practices a healthy lifestyle.


Wednesday, July 31, 2024

«quantumFragmentation» track from HEAVEN III album «singularitime»

What is the main problem of Humanity? - its disunity. Humanity is just a word, behind which there is no unity. Of course, it strives for this. But there is an obstacle - small social formations, into which its smallest representatives have managed to stick together - into families, tribes, friendly companies, communities, cities and countries. Within these mid-level associations, People feel a sense of belonging to their own, but immediately acquire hostility to those who automatically become strangers, because they do not belong to a certain formation - not from my family, not from my city, not from my country, of another faith - as if that person becomes worse.

However, it is not worse, but more dangerous, of course, it may be. Unfortunately, for a person the greatest danger in life is not the forces of nature, not wild animals, but another person - the same in essence, but - different.

Egregors have taken on the responsibility of protecting man from man in our World. They are energy entities that always arise above a multitude of beings that possess vital energy, a kind of social virus. They live at the expense of people, on the energy that is released through their fears, through their need to huddle together in a small group against another such group. And even if that other group does not show hostility, the egregor will still take its toll. Otherwise, it will perish. And it does not want that. And the disunity of Humanity is its main strategy for survival.

That is why we have so many criteria by which we are divided. This is religious disunity, these are different languages and cultures, these are, in the end, different football teams whose fans are ready to fight each other - each football club has its own egregor, and often a very aggressive one.

But there is a certain forecast, according to which the need of Humanity for egregors will come to naught in the coming decades. This is a decrease in the so-called "tribal dependence" and an increase in the individual value and awareness of each individual.

This does not mean that all people living today will suddenly be reprogrammed and become different. And all the zgregors themselves will not suddenly leave either. But new people will be born with less innate fear of strangers, with less need for social support and with more developed personal individual awareness. From them, at some point, a new Humanity will be formed, into which representatives of previous generations will be able to join - not a large part of them - those who are ready to realize their involvement in something greater and not depend on the small.

This is roughly what the musical track «quantumFragmentation» from the album «singularitime» is about, dedicated to the expected changes in our World.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

«beyondShape» track from HEAVEN III album «singularitime» by Andrey Klimkovsky

Let's touch on the second of the new albums

The track «beyondShape», opening the album «singularitime»

Someone will say: "What a horror! - The Earth has been captured by cyborgs!!!"

But do you think that the fact that we are terrorizing the Earth is much better for the Earth?

What if I told you that each of us has a program running in our heads that is roughly the same as any robot, and without even knowing it, a person obeys it? After all, it often happens that we do something... and then we are surprised, as if it wasn't us who made that decision.

The most interesting thing is that what is inside us is not everything. It is only the drivers - very often outdated and conflicting with the hardware (with our body), that is why it suffers.

And there is also the external part of the network software - the Universe, with which we are usually not in contact at all. It sends us updates, and we are like: "Oh, these updates again... I won't install them."

Well, well... this is also a decision, and also a choice. But then we - those who are especially outdated - can simply be replaced. And such a replacement can begin in the very near future. If anyone has heard of the prophecy of Ra Uru Hu, then the replacement of Humanity is already on the threshold... unless of course we'll not suddenly come to our senses and agree to connect with the Universe to update the software.

Sorry, Friends. I have exaggerated a bit. But I think it is important for each of us to know that in addition to what is going on inside us - in our thoughts, experiences, worries - in this personal space of incessant thoughts inside the head, there is also an external part of each of us, which is much more significant and large-scale - extending into infinity and being everything that is implied when they say: "A Human is an entire Universe."

Be more than what can be measured or programmed!

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Album «past — music — future» • Project «HEAVEN» • Composer Andrey Klimkovsky

Album «past — music — future» • Project «HEAVEN» • Composer Andrey Klimkovsky

Let's talk about new music and new albums - the first of which is in this post

My name and surname are not on the cover. The album is part of the chain of releases of the project "HEAVEN", although until yesterday there was only one link in that chain - the album "sad & soli music", recorded in 2003. I wanted to do something earlier that would continue the undertaking that appeared during the period of my going through some life troubles - I did not understand then that these are periods of the strongest transformations, and unusual times are accompanied by unusual music. But, perhaps, the subsequent times were not about that.

In all the time that has passed since then, I have recorded a couple of tracks - supposedly for the "HEAVEN" project. They are now attached to the first album as bonuses, and in fact have little to do with this story (only in that they were recorded on Korg TRITON series instruments, which were relevant at the time).

Something changed in the summer of 2022. On June 11th, some force made me turn on my already quite old Korg TRITON Extreme - a music workstation from the 2000s (on which the continuation of this project was once conceived, and the first album was recorded on a similar instrument) - and I start creating.

The work moved very intensively. The first 4 pieces were recorded in a few days. True, it was the 4th that became the first stumbling block (I was not fully prepared to create it, and later I reworked it several times, and this energy of throwing is still present in the music, but, as I now understand, it is needed there). Then there was a pause of 10 days - I switched to something else, but soon returned to the album I had started.

After that, the creative process was steady but measured - one piece per week or two. It seemed like the light at the end of the tunnel was already visible - in September I recorded the key track of the album - the eighth, and sketched out the structure, harmonic grid and melody of the ninth. 85% of the work is done - I'm at the finish line...

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

My new albums («HEAVEN» project) — «past - music - future» and «singularitime»

New albums by composer Andrey Klimkovsky and his project «HEAVEN» — «past - music - future» and «singularitime»

Friends, today two albums were released at once - both continue the project "HEAVEN" that I started back in 2003 (almost an eternity ago), the music of which was so unusual for me that, as you can see, it took me a long time to mature enough to continue and develop the themes raised in it.

In a nutshell, this is music about our probable future. And the future awaits us is absolutely amazing. And, as far as I managed to embody this (from what I overheard in borderline states), the music largely corresponds to that series of unexpected discoveries that are already rushing towards us from the abyss of the Ocean of Time.

Friday, July 19, 2024

«turquoiseGeneration» track from HEAVEN II upcoming album «past - music - future»

Everything new is brought into this World by new people. And new people are children. Society believes that children come empty-handed, that they need to be taught everything, brought to their senses, instilled with all the baggage of values and limiting beliefs that have been developed here since cave times... and only after that, children who have already grown up will be able to live in this world, becoming at some point part of it.

In many ways this is true. In order for angels to crawl, they need to cut their wings, because the sight of a flying person frightens non-flying ones.

But in the process of comprehending worldly wisdom, children lose the most valuable thing with which they come here. At best, only a small fraction of their light remains with them - they dim and become like adults. And that is why progress here is so slow, and inconsistency with the universal plan of renewal brings crises and disasters.

But something is changing. And in recent years, more and more especially bright souls have come to Earth, who, despite their youthful appearance, are surprisingly wise, kind and adaptive. They are called by many names: Indigo Children, Rave Children, Turquoise Humanity. And this is the new blood of earthly civilization, these are people who will not need decades to comprehend the routine procedures of marking time. They have enough energy to reject the outdated and begin to live in a different paradigm.

Surprisingly, this will become possible after our society goes through another crisis, after which it becomes clear that the old formats of relations between people at all levels are no longer acceptable.

PS: I omitted a couple of chapters from the story (tracks 4 and 5 of the new album. This one is «turquoiseGeneration» - the 6th in the tracklist). But we will return to those apocalyptic episodes later to see the whole picture.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

«nightFireflies» track from HEAVEN II upcoming album

We don't really like changes... we did at school, but those were different changes. And we were different. And Humanity as a whole has always lived with the dream of building an ideal World, in which nothing will have to be changed, improved, or added to. And then everyone will be happy.

Meanwhile, the World without Man was approximately like this - everything in it was adjusted, balanced. Changes, if they happened, were smooth and imperceptible. It was Man who made the most changes on planet Earth - a creature who is now terribly afraid of change.

The main change that awaits us is that if previously there were turning points that were considered a disaster, but after which stability and calm reigned for a certain period of time... now there will be no pauses between large-scale updates of our World. Much like in modern computers - while you are typing the text of this publication, you suddenly installed a new operating system, and did not even ask for a restart - everything is already working in version N+1. But you don't know how to use it.

We are now living in a short lull before a global wave of updates, some of which have already been installed, but we have not yet realized it. And we admire the night fireflies, which are so beautiful in the darkness, and each one beckons somewhere in its own direction - “Fly with me, it’s good there... No, fly with me, it’s wonderful there... Fly and don’t think about anything, just accept this night for what it is..."

With dawn, all the fireflies will fade away. Some will really lead you to a better place, but only if you yourself somehow felt that you were on the same path. But more often than not, the firefly did not care at all where to fly in this equally directed World - they come here only for the night.

Now forget everything you read. Because this was the preface to the new track «nightFireflies» from the new HEAVEN II album «past - music - future»:

The graphics at the heart of the video were created by Irina Shamaeva (aka The Prompter), an expert in writing prompts for neural networks. Don’t forget to look at Irina’s feed - many new and absolutely amazing neuro-pictures appear there every day (all links are in the description of the video on Youtube).

Enjoy watching and listening to music and everything else!

«updateVector» track from HEAVEN II upcoming album

Another episode from the new album, which was also illustrated with AI images of Irina Shamaeva. True, the gallery that hooked me was not enough for the entire track (there were only 8 images). I had to review all of Irina’s neural network creativity. There are a great many amazing images, but not everything suited my particular mood. Something that will fit perfectly into the following tracks. But we managed to choose anough for this one, although it didn’t turn out to be a stylistically monolithic picture. However, the main thing is to present an audio track. Each listener may have his own visual interpretations. My idea in general was that sometimes a slight push to change the usual can destroy the harmony and order that has developed over centuries. But the point is that you don’t need to put anything together for centuries.

You should not look for the indicated meaning in this video sequence. It's beyond that.

The track «updateVector»

Nice to see and listen to you!

«stellarInfluence» track from HEAVEN II upcoming album

Friends, now we have a small premiere

New track «stellarInfluence», opening the new album of my long-standing project HEAVEN, the first and so far only album of which was released back in 2003. But very soon there will be a second (and a third).

As visual content, I took a dozen AI pictures of Irina Shamaeva, who is known on FB as The Prompter. A link to Irina and her stellar neuro-gallery can be found in the description of the video on Youtube.

Nice to see and listen to you!