
Composer Andrey Klimkovsky. BLOG

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Andrey Klimkovsky is a Russian composer working in the electronic music space. Musical images he created — «Music of Celestial Spheres», «Starry Sky», «ALEALA» and «DreamOcean» have become classics of the genre, gaining fame both in Russia and abroad. The musician regularly gives spectacular live concerts and collaborates with many other representatives of the Russian electronic scene, leads a popular community about synthesizers and workstations, participates in astronomical expeditions and practices a healthy lifestyle.


Wednesday, July 31, 2024

«quantumFragmentation» track from HEAVEN III album «singularitime»

What is the main problem of Humanity? - its disunity. Humanity is just a word, behind which there is no unity. Of course, it strives for this. But there is an obstacle - small social formations, into which its smallest representatives have managed to stick together - into families, tribes, friendly companies, communities, cities and countries. Within these mid-level associations, People feel a sense of belonging to their own, but immediately acquire hostility to those who automatically become strangers, because they do not belong to a certain formation - not from my family, not from my city, not from my country, of another faith - as if that person becomes worse.

However, it is not worse, but more dangerous, of course, it may be. Unfortunately, for a person the greatest danger in life is not the forces of nature, not wild animals, but another person - the same in essence, but - different.

Egregors have taken on the responsibility of protecting man from man in our World. They are energy entities that always arise above a multitude of beings that possess vital energy, a kind of social virus. They live at the expense of people, on the energy that is released through their fears, through their need to huddle together in a small group against another such group. And even if that other group does not show hostility, the egregor will still take its toll. Otherwise, it will perish. And it does not want that. And the disunity of Humanity is its main strategy for survival.

That is why we have so many criteria by which we are divided. This is religious disunity, these are different languages and cultures, these are, in the end, different football teams whose fans are ready to fight each other - each football club has its own egregor, and often a very aggressive one.

But there is a certain forecast, according to which the need of Humanity for egregors will come to naught in the coming decades. This is a decrease in the so-called "tribal dependence" and an increase in the individual value and awareness of each individual.

This does not mean that all people living today will suddenly be reprogrammed and become different. And all the zgregors themselves will not suddenly leave either. But new people will be born with less innate fear of strangers, with less need for social support and with more developed personal individual awareness. From them, at some point, a new Humanity will be formed, into which representatives of previous generations will be able to join - not a large part of them - those who are ready to realize their involvement in something greater and not depend on the small.

This is roughly what the musical track «quantumFragmentation» from the album «singularitime» is about, dedicated to the expected changes in our World.

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