
Composer Andrey Klimkovsky. BLOG

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Andrey Klimkovsky is a Russian composer working in the electronic music space. Musical images he created — «Music of Celestial Spheres», «Starry Sky», «ALEALA» and «DreamOcean» have become classics of the genre, gaining fame both in Russia and abroad. The musician regularly gives spectacular live concerts and collaborates with many other representatives of the Russian electronic scene, leads a popular community about synthesizers and workstations, participates in astronomical expeditions and practices a healthy lifestyle.


Thursday, July 25, 2024

Album «past — music — future» • Project «HEAVEN» • Composer Andrey Klimkovsky

Album «past — music — future» • Project «HEAVEN» • Composer Andrey Klimkovsky

Let's talk about new music and new albums - the first of which is in this post

My name and surname are not on the cover. The album is part of the chain of releases of the project "HEAVEN", although until yesterday there was only one link in that chain - the album "sad & soli music", recorded in 2003. I wanted to do something earlier that would continue the undertaking that appeared during the period of my going through some life troubles - I did not understand then that these are periods of the strongest transformations, and unusual times are accompanied by unusual music. But, perhaps, the subsequent times were not about that.

In all the time that has passed since then, I have recorded a couple of tracks - supposedly for the "HEAVEN" project. They are now attached to the first album as bonuses, and in fact have little to do with this story (only in that they were recorded on Korg TRITON series instruments, which were relevant at the time).

Something changed in the summer of 2022. On June 11th, some force made me turn on my already quite old Korg TRITON Extreme - a music workstation from the 2000s (on which the continuation of this project was once conceived, and the first album was recorded on a similar instrument) - and I start creating.

The work moved very intensively. The first 4 pieces were recorded in a few days. True, it was the 4th that became the first stumbling block (I was not fully prepared to create it, and later I reworked it several times, and this energy of throwing is still present in the music, but, as I now understand, it is needed there). Then there was a pause of 10 days - I switched to something else, but soon returned to the album I had started.

After that, the creative process was steady but measured - one piece per week or two. It seemed like the light at the end of the tunnel was already visible - in September I recorded the key track of the album - the eighth, and sketched out the structure, harmonic grid and melody of the ninth. 85% of the work is done - I'm at the finish line...

But at some point, some force leading along these musical paths let me go. I couldn't get back to the finishing of track 9.

Soon I was caught up in another energy. And on the same instrument of the past era, I literally in one breath composed and released the album "Pisces" from the "Starry Sky" cycle (the album was released in November 2022). And then - also in November - the album "Phantom Galaxy" from the "NGC" cycle. It is interesting to note that this pair of albums received similar numbers in the NEANE Records catalog - 1606 and 1303, and they are indeed related.

It would seem that it is high time to gather my creative forces and finish the almost finished second album of the project «HEAVEN». But it was not to be. Without higher powers this does not happen. And there is no point in forcing something that does not come by itself. Any violence in the creative process, and especially over music, is categorically unacceptable. A musician can engage in self-torture - that's not so bad, but trying to attract the Muse and Music from the higher worlds means only - to spoil the relationship with these beautiful manifestations of the Universe. So I just waited patiently. Fortunately, along with this, works for other albums and projects were born (but about them - another time).

I safely waited for the return of the Muse, when in May 2024 (almost two years after this new period began) I felt those same energies and the need to turn on the instrument (no - not that old one, but the current actual Korg KRONOS) and start a new chapter.

Yes, there was already talk about a new chapter, although the old one was not ended. And I understood this clearly - I was already creating the third album of the "HEAVEN" project, although the second one was not finished.

The third album was completed in a couple of months, and on the same creative wave I quickly finished the second one. By mid-summer 2024, almost simultaneously, two albums about the journey of the Soul in the waves of our restless Time came into our World. But the third was born a little earlier than the second. And this revealed an important moment of the message - the idea that from now on Time will no longer be linear and one-dimensional. We will not feel the consequences of this on the everyday level tomorrow, but in Music, and in the process of its creation, it is already fully present and clearly felt.

What is the second album of the project «HEAVEN» about?

About our very near future. A review of probable events for several years ahead. If earlier my listeners associated the music that I bring to this World with cosmic themes, then this music is futuristic. It is also a kind of Space, but Space projected onto our earthly reality. It is about how cosmic influence transforms the lives of People on Earth. After all, it would be naive to think that we are here - covered by the atmosphere and magnetosphere - on our own, cut off from the rest of the Universe.

The Universe has its own plan for us. In it, we can distinguish a plan of transformations close in time, and more distant ones. The second album is about the close ones. About the nearest ones.

«past — music — future» — is the title of the album.

Some people might find it strange. But the first album has a strange title too.

You can understand what it is about without the gift of clairvoyance.

In it, "Music" is located between the past and the future - where we are now. And this music came to the World of the Past (many of the People are still there with their consciousness) in order to tell about the future, and to some extent even forms this future, which now ceases to be the same for different people (however, the conversation about probabilistic realities and multiverses deserves several additional publications).

  1. stellarInfluence   ( 04:42 )
  2. updateVector   ( 06:00 )
  3. nightFireflies   ( 05:12 )
  4. chaoticDeformation   ( 07:22 )
  5. silentRuins   ( 06:23 )
  6. turquoiseGeneration   ( 08:49 )
  7. possibilityField   ( 05:10 )
  8. selfRenewal   ( 07:55 )
  9. betweenLevels   ( 05:18 )
  10. omniDirectional   ( 13:06 )

The track titles are hard to translate (the duration is in brackets - I decided to leave it when copying). But the first album also had similar titles - this is a strange feature of this project, which came with the music, for which the titles are a separate part - it cannot be banal here, as is customary everywhere, and assumes different perceptions by different listeners.

From the titles we can conclude that at least 8 tracks show us a fairly favorable development of events in the future. And only two - the 4th and the 5th - are a little alarming. They may need additional clarification, but - not here and not now. For brevity, I will only say that every change, every transformation, every transition has its price. Humanity is already paying it. And this process will last at least a couple of years.

If we imagine the album tracklist as a timeline — linear, alas (but not everything is so simple) — then you and I, Friends, and Humanity as a whole, are at the level of the third track of the album “past — music — future”. And ahead is the 4th — the most critical, after which much in the life of each of us will change. But if we treat the next stage as an exam, for which each of us has been preparing all this time, and pass it, then everything will be relatively good.

No, it won't be easy anymore. But it will be understandable.

You know, difficulties are not as scary as a situation of complete misunderstanding - what is all this for, why?

I sincerely believe that this music came through me into this World precisely to give an understanding of what is happening on the planet in our amazing Time. Understanding not at the level of intellect, but at the level of feeling, at the level of spiritual perception of reality.

The consciousness may remain perplexed - how to understand all this, where to put it?

But if acceptance and peace reign in the Soul from the fact that everything is going as it should - as it was planned somewhere in the higher planning departments, then it will be possible to step into this Ocean of change without fear and even with pleasure.

Album «past — music — future» • Project «HEAVEN» • Composer Andrey Klimkovsky

May you take the care you deserve for yourself and enjoy listening!

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