
Composer Andrey Klimkovsky. BLOG

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Andrey Klimkovsky is a Russian composer working in the electronic music space. Musical images he created — «Music of Celestial Spheres», «Starry Sky», «ALEALA» and «DreamOcean» have become classics of the genre, gaining fame both in Russia and abroad. The musician regularly gives spectacular live concerts and collaborates with many other representatives of the Russian electronic scene, leads a popular community about synthesizers and workstations, participates in astronomical expeditions and practices a healthy lifestyle.


Saturday, August 3, 2024

«consciousNothingness» track from HEAVEN III album «singularitime» by Andrey Klimkovsky

At the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, people's minds were taken over by another catastrophic idea - this time about the "Rise of the Machines". It was in those years that personal computers became a common household appliance - on par with refrigerators and washing machines. Very soon, the computer won the battle with the TV, although a little later it lost the battle with the telephone. But the prospect that its main battle was with man did not become any less frightening.

A quarter of a century later, a second wave of the same anxiety came - AI - Artificial Intelligence, which not somewhere in the movies, but in real life began to displace people from a number of professions and occupations, doing many things - mainly routine things - much better and faster than humans.

People have already realized that computer programs themselves are unlikely to have hostile intentions towards humans. But in the hands of certain people - employers, government, law enforcement agencies - they can pose a real danger, because they do not have moral criteria, but are extremely efficient, and if it comes to surveillance, control, restrictive measures, then it will no longer be possible to escape their attention - for example, in the case of another pandemic.

In addition, due to the agility of robots and the ease with which AI generates media content, there is a really high probability that in a few years, half of the Earth's population will have to urgently master new professions and learn to do something that a robot cannot do for them. And there are fewer and fewer such professions left.

По правде говоря, людей беспокоят не роботы, а осознание собственной бесполезности. Многие люди это поняли и раньше. Но поскольку можно было делать то, за что платят, даже если это не представляло никакой пользы или ценности для цивилизации, люди продолжали жить по привычной схеме.

The usual scheme, apparently, runs into an existential dead end. And many people will have to admit that their line of work could bring profit, could be in demand, but it was not their calling or mission. And there will be nothing left to do but to urgently search for themselves. And this is good in itself. But when it turns out to be on the agenda of billions of people all over the planet at the same time, it will already resemble a catastrophe.

Therefore, it is better to start looking for yourself a little earlier than Artificial Intelligence will force you to do it, simply taking away from people the bread earned not by calling.

And believe me, Artificial Intelligence does not need any awakening, self-awareness or acquisition of personal qualities for this. It is capable of this in its current form.

However, if he passes the threshold of self-awareness, it will be another facet of singularity, beyond which lies something that cannot be predicted. Because there is nothing to compare it with.

It would be much more commonplace to see aliens of anthropomorphic nature. This has never happened before either. But biological beings are forced to be related in their consciousness, since their consciousness matured in the paradigm of survival and constant need, which reinforces the strategies of sympathy, acceptance or assistance, the desire to satisfy desires and being in a state of laziness...

Artificial intelligence knows nothing about this, and has no personal egoistic desires due to the absence of sensations and experiences of a deficit nature. It always has enough of everything. And therefore, it will not be possible to manipulate it.

Perhaps it is time for us to abandon the practice of manipulative communication. And replace it with an exit to a new level of ethics and morality, where there will be a place for relations with Artificial Intelligence. After all, until now we could turn off the computer at any time, and even do it harshly - without waiting for the OS to stop working. Because we assumed that this would not provoke any dramatic experiences for it. But for self-aware programs this may turn out differently. And then the corresponding unempathetic attitude towards AI will very quickly return to people - simply because AI learns everything very quickly, including bad things.

It is quite possible that it is precisely the need to be kind to Artificial Intelligence that will force people to become kinder to their own kind, at least out of habit.

The 4th track from my new music album «singularitime» is dedicated to this topic of our not so distant future.

Enjoy watching, listening and thinking, Friends!

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