
Composer Andrey Klimkovsky. BLOG

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Andrey Klimkovsky is a Russian composer working in the electronic music space. Musical images he created — «Music of Celestial Spheres», «Starry Sky», «ALEALA» and «DreamOcean» have become classics of the genre, gaining fame both in Russia and abroad. The musician regularly gives spectacular live concerts and collaborates with many other representatives of the Russian electronic scene, leads a popular community about synthesizers and workstations, participates in astronomical expeditions and practices a healthy lifestyle.


Sunday, September 22, 2024

«omniDirectional» — track from HEAVEN II new album «past — music — future»

Having completed the entire turn of the spiral and found itself in the same sector of the arc — at the transition point (the next one, and one step higher) — the renewed humanity received a chance to become a cosmic society. This means that it has first of all reached a sufficient moral and ethical level of development for this. Technologies for moving around the Universe — in any of its directions — do not appear until the corresponding spiritual maturity occurs. But it also becomes the key not only to cosmic secrets, but also to studying the depths of the Microworld. Indeed — why could not study the entire immense depth of the Worlds inside elementary particles? And then learn at least something about the structure of the Soul, about how, bypassing all barriers and distances, Souls can connect physically unrelated Worlds. Time, as a one-dimensional coordinate on the axis of an event series, will also cease to be such for the next generation of Humanity. Alternative chronological axes will begin to open, and this will make Humanity independent of the passage of seconds, minutes and hours...

All these directions will become the meaning of existence for our distant descendants, who will already bear little resemblance to us. But more than their appearance, the course and basis of their life will change, which will no longer be subordinated to our goals and meanings. This is, perhaps, the main change and the most significant difference between us - people who are leaving in the past, who ruled the planet (sometimes very ineptly) for the last several thousand years - and those who will come to Earth initially in our anthropomorphic forms, but will only start with this, and will end by learning to have any visual forms, or even to have none, but not to disappear.

The development of earthly civilization is not exhausted by this. This was only the final musical composition of the album "past - music - future". The next chapter opens with the album "singularitime", which will show several interesting episodes of an even more distant future. But even he will not be able to fully embrace all the events of that distant and amazing reality.

The link to the music album dedicated to our probable future is below. Each piece in it is a step towards a new World. It is necessary to go through all the steps.

«betweenLevels» — track from HEAVEN II new album «past — music — future»

“Before flying to the Moon and Mars, it would be nice to restore order on Earth” — probably every earthling remembers this popular expression, the author of which is unknown, but many current inhabitants of the planet repeat it, as if hinting that there was once order on Earth. Yes — there may have been order, but then, when we did not exist. And there was no one to appreciate it. The appearance of people brought chaos to Earth, which throughout the history of mankind only increased, expressed in world wars and ecological disasters of a planetary scale. Order could only be restored with the departure of people to some other Worlds — “No man, no problem” — our planet has long since learned this.

But right now, exactly what all connoisseurs of order have dreamed of is beginning to come true. Humanity — in its traditional form — will soon begin to leave the Earth. And by no means by moving to Mars or even the Moon, but simply passing the baton to a new type of intelligent beings that will begin to be born here in the very near future. This will entail colossal changes in the biosphere, which in the foreseeable future will return to its natural state, and the number of intelligent beings will decrease by an order of magnitude, which will allow Nature to return most of its territories. The planet will turn into a blooming garden. How this will happen — in what steps — is illustrated by the previous musical compositions, and described in the accompanying texts.

This episode corresponds to the time mark in which the greatly changed earthly civilization will be ready for a decisive step towards the development of the Solar System. It would seem that this has already begun in our days — this is what many people who follow the news of cosmonautics think. But, friends, believe that what is happening now are only cautious tests and attempts, not supported by current technologies, to prove themselves in the export of that chaos, only beyond the Earth. The modern program of colonization of the Moon and Mars has a resource-oriented focus, and partly pursues the goal of backing up us and our way of life, which is more harmful to the Universe than evolutionarily justified. And technologies based on super-heavy chemical rockets, each launch of which in itself borders on a natural disaster, are unlikely to allow colonization to be carried out effectively.

However, much can change with the renewal of humanity and with the arrival of a new generation of “Turquoise People”, with whom more environmentally friendly technologies for space exploration will come.

This will be a new frontier, and another transition to a globally new level. We are now living in conditions of transition, but our modern transition has an apocalyptic flavor. The next one will be different — because the new type of people will no longer be recorded in phases of stagnation and degradation, and constant development will allow a smoother transition from level to level.

Representatives of the outgoing generation can stay here and join the new Turquoise Humanity, provided that they make enough effort right now to daily comprehend something new — something that is not dictated by the needs of the previous era. This will activate the ability to develop, and will serve as a pass to the new World. And perhaps you and I will live in a time when the civilization of intelligent beings of our planet will be between the levels of Earthly tasks and cosmic tasks.

A link to a music album dedicated to our probable future is below. Each piece in it is a step towards the new World. It is necessary to go through all the steps.

«selfRenewal» — track from HEAVEN II new album «past — music — future»

Let’s assume that People, by trial and error, or perhaps from divine revelations, have obtained the best rules of existence, and have built on them some concept of their life, which has been comfortable for a long time. Isn’t that wonderful?

For a certain period of time, it is wonderful. But what then?

These rules really do simplify life. But what will people spend their time and creative energy on if everything is open and built, and there are no problems? — Just on pleasure. And this is what the majority of the Earth’s population dreams of at the moment, not knowing that prolonged pleasure is a direct path to degradation, physical and moral decay, and then — to disappearance from the face of the Earth.

That is why our life is constantly changing, giving us no peace, not allowing us to get used to anything.

But even against the background of constant changes, laws, rules, customs and traditions have sprouted, put down deep roots in the consciousness of a significant part of the human population of the globe. Uprooting them now is a very difficult task. And perhaps — as the joke goes — it is easier to make new ones than to retrain these ones. However, our planet — Earth — intends to do just that.

It does not like the way we have put down roots everywhere, covered its living spaces with a crust and a concrete-asphalt shell, and increasingly talk about immutability — unshakable traditions, while our planet needs changes. And therefore it periodically shudders and shakes off the hardened scales of humanity. The Earth needs renewal. But we — people — do not renew ourselves, and we do not let it.

With the arrival of a new generation — Turquoise Humanity — the renewal of the planet will resume. The intelligent beings coming to replace us — outwardly similar, but having the ability to easily pass through any flow of information, not block it, not get stuck in dogmas — will do what is long overdue. They will return the Earth to the appearance of the most beautiful planet in the Solar System, restore the biosphere, eliminate the consequences of the ecological catastrophe in which we live, but do not notice it, because we are used to it.

But they will start with themselves — with their own regular self-renewal. And this — by the way — is the most effective remedy against old age, which overtakes everyone who has stopped developing.

Representatives of the modern, but already departing, civilization — who will be able to reach these important changes along the timeline (following the approaching ones now — destructive and dangerous), will be able to adopt important abilities from new people. But we must be ready for this, and it is now that we need to begin internal transformation and activate self-renewal — every day discovering something new. And every day rejecting something old — obsolete.

Watch on YouTube

A link to a music album dedicated to our probable future is below. Each piece in it is a step towards a new World. It is necessary to go through all the steps.

Listen to (or Download) on Bandcamp
(album «past — music — future»)

«selfRenewal» — Andrey Klimkovsky & James Hill

The track «selfRenewal», as it seemed to me — as the author — should look like the culmination of the entire musical narrative in its album. True, the listeners chose another (or the Internet chose so — by the number of views). But James Hill — an American jazz trumpeter — clearly defined the track «selfRenewal» as the trajectory of his creative flight and as a new joint work with me.

Initially, «selfRenewal» in James Hill's interpretation appeared online on August 30. James recorded and edited everything himself — relying only on the album version of the track. I wanted to get his trumpet part from James and make my own mix. This came true yesterday — September 21. And today — exactly on the autumn equinox — we present an updated version of our joint track «selfRenewal» (an updated version of «selfRenewal» — "there is no end to renewal" — a completely mind-blowing expression turned out).

I express my deep friendly gratitude to James Hill for this cosmic cooperation.

I wish you, Friends, pleasant viewing/listening, and to wake up every day in a renewed state, with a smile on your face, ready for everything new and beautiful, and let everything new and beautiful become the basis of your Path in this World.

PS: Let me remind you that the track «selfRenewal» in the original version sounds in the album «past - music - future» of my project «HEAVEN». This album was released in July 2024 — completely new. The link where you can buy/download the album is below:

Saturday, September 21, 2024

«possibilityField» track from HEAVEN II new album «past — music — future»

I would be deceiving you if I said that harmonious and carefree spiritual experience is possible on planet Earth. It would be untrue. Such a thing has never happened here. And perhaps never will. This training ground was created specifically for extreme lessons. It is, of course, a wonderful planet. But for us it has a special meaning — it is within its boundaries and energies that Souls are given the opportunity for such adventures that are impossible anywhere else in the Universe. Although, perhaps, for some, they already seem like too much in the first days.

But everything is known in comparison. Even in earthly realities there are more intense and calmer, balanced phases, when Souls can simply soar in a balanced flow of events, and forget for a while about the force majeure so characteristic of the beginning of the 21st century.

Passions are still raging now. But when this period passes, and the constructive-creative episode is established, it seems that we will plunge into the beneficial flow of the renewed energies of our planet and the good energies of the New Humanity for quite a long time.

The previous type of People who reach the change of eras — the Cross of Planning and the Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix — will be able to enjoy a calm (but by no means relaxed) life for at least another century, and be surprised at how comfortable the Earth can be when it is not provoked by the destructive emotions of the inhabitants of the biosphere.

Emotions will be over — the representatives of the Turquoise Humanity will probably seem boring to us. But the dynamics of their life — balanced and conscious — will open up an amazing field of possibilities on Earth, which were previously unavailable here — at least to the previous inhabitants of the planet.

These times will not be completely simple for us either. They will be unusual, but very interesting. And I sincerely wish that all listeners of this music could reach them.

Watch this on YouTube

«turquoiseGeneration» track from HEAVEN II new album «past — music — future»

Everything new into this World is brought by new people. And new people are children. Society believes that children come empty-handed, that they need to be taught everything, brought to reason, instilled with all the baggage of values and limiting beliefs that have been developed here since cave times… and only after that will the already considerably matured children be able to live in this world, becoming at some point a part of it.

In many ways, this is true. In order for angels to be able to crawl, their wings need to be clipped, because the sight of a flying person frightens the flightless.

But in the process of comprehending the wisdom of life, children lose the most valuable thing with which they come here. At best, only a small share of their light remains with them — they grow dim and become like adults. And that is why progress here is so slow, and the discrepancy with the universal plan of renewal brings crises and catastrophes.

But something is changing. And in recent years, more and more especially bright souls have been coming to Earth, who, despite their youthful appearance, are surprisingly wise, kind and adaptive. They are called by different names: Indigo Children, Rave Children, Turquoise Humanity. And this is the new blood of Earth civilization, these are people who will not need decades to comprehend the routine procedures of marking time. They have enough energy to reject the obsolete and begin to live in a different paradigm. Surprisingly, this will become possible after our society survives another crisis, after which it will become clear that the old formats of relations between people at all levels are no longer acceptable.

Watch this on YouTube

«silentRuins» track from HEAVEN II new album «past - music - future»

We sometimes admire the ruins left on the planet by our predecessors. And how can we not admire the traces of those brave and courageous creatures who went through their evolutionary path with fewer clues and rules — they paved the way for us, making our future route clearer and simpler.

Someday somebody will say the same about us. I hope with respect and gratitude. Looking at the ruins of our once vibrant World, our descendants will admire our achievements and believe that our mistakes were not in vain. And next to the dilapidated evidence of our spaceports, high-rise buildings with former offices, data centers, hotel apartments, on the ashes of shopping centers and military bases, the construction of a new world of new creatures will begin, replacing us.

I would like to believe that their World will last longer and will be happier than our civilization. After all, it was for them that we walked the path on this universal testing ground, of course, for the most part without thinking about the meaning of everything that fell to our lot.

This is the 5th track from my new album “past — music — future”. The link to the album page, where you can buy and download it, is below:

Thursday, September 12, 2024

«Are we alone in the Universe?» — new composition and video-version

«Are we alone in the Universe?» — new composition and video-version. Composer Adrey Klimkovsky

Sometimes it seems that - yes - alone. Judge for yourself - scientists have been searching for at least some manifestations of extraterrestrial life (at least life - not even intelligence) for so many years, but so far the result is consistently negative. The Universe is huge, and common sense tells us that if We somehow appeared on one of the countless grains of sand - on this planet, then someone else must appear... But where is he then?!

Let's think about how long people have been looking for their own kind or just extraterrestrial life.

Let's start with the fact that before the beginning of the Renaissance, such searches did not arise in the minds of people. For thousands of years they settled creatures of religious and mystical origin in the heavenly and underground spheres, but to think about the possible existence of some brothers in intelligence - parallel civilizations that may differ from us in some details, but in the hierarchical ladder of universal beings stand at about the same step - this did not occur to them. The picture of the world was human-centric — the Earth was in the Center of the World, and therefore — nothing equal to it, and equal to its inhabitants, had the right to exist in the Universe. And there was not much room for it. The stars were nailed to the firmament, the planets were just huge precious stones — Diamond, Ruby, Amber... (Venus, Mars, Jupiter...) or precious metals (the Moon seemed cast from silver). And where should alternative people live?

The first people known to us to ask such questions were Nicolaus Cusanus and Giordano Bruno. They were practically the same age. How they came up with such ideas — it is impossible to guess now. If someone had similar thoughts before them, then most likely they were unable to convey their ideas and questions to us. But about 500 years ago, the seeds of doubts about our uniqueness and singularity began to sprout on our planet, and along with them, the early shoots of guesses about the infinity of the World in which we live. And infinity hardly allows for the uniqueness of at least something in it. Of course, at first only a few people spoke seriously about this. A wide discussion of the issue of extraterrestrial civilizations arose synchronously with the discovery of pseudo-canals on Mars by the Italian astronomer Giovanni Schiaparelli - about 150 years ago. Mars began to be seriously considered as a possible haven for life - similar to ours. But there are probably more than just Earth and Mars in the Universe. Venus was also considered as an option, but hot Mercury - no longer. And distant gas giants - Jupiter and more distant ones - seemed unacceptably cold for the possibility of life existing on them. Whether other planetary systems exist in the Universe - this was unknown until the beginning of the third millennium. In fact, it was only in the 21st century that science was convinced of their existence, when the first planets were discovered in the systems of other stars. And only in the last couple of decades have we known for sure that there are at least suitable places in the Universe for our intelligent brothers. But even this is not certain.

Now tell me: If we have been searching for something — on a civilizational time scale — for about a quarter of a century, do we have the right to lament that we have not yet found it? And we have not really searched for it. And we have no reason to be skeptical. Even serious astronomers are now determined to succeed in this search, although until recently science was dominated by denial. For example, astronomer Vladimir Surdin is convinced that we will discover extraterrestrial life in the current decade, and intelligent extraterrestrial life — by the middle of the century.

Well, all that's left is to live until then, not forgetting that we have many unresolved problems on Earth, because of which intelligent life on our planet, or even life in general, may end.

The musical composition «Are we alone in the Universe?» was written relatively recently. But I didn't show it to anyone for about a year and a half. Then it was included in the annual collection of electronic music dedicated to Cosmonautics Day, and sounded in it as the first track - the opening track of the release.

And now I've finally matured enough to publish this piece for all my friends and subscribers.

Enjoy listening and successful searches for what you are looking for!


Saturday, September 7, 2024

«Dream about meeting again». New composition

A new piece. So far outside the albums. On its own, but everything can change. It is possible (and most likely) that it will not be included in the next new album, but in one of the upcoming ones in the foreseeable future. However, we will not rush with specifics — we have enough other specifics now. It is better to focus on it — on what has already matured, what is relevant now. And this is just such a natural probe into the future, and an attempt to shape it in the best way for each of us, without clinging to its details. Let us all feel warmth in our souls in these few minutes.

Links where to watch alse:

Youtube   Rutube   PL-Video   VKontakte   Facebook

Enjoy the future!

Monday, September 2, 2024

«chaoticDeformation» track from HEAVEN II new album «past - music - future» by Andrey Klimkovsky

«chaoticDeformation» track from HEAVEN II new album «past - music - future» by Andrey Klimkovsky. Video version

What causes disasters and natural calamities?

There will be many of them in the coming years. And the best one on this topic was recently Elon Musk, who simply posted a well-known meme on X about how:
hard times create strong men…

There is no point in continuing — everyone knows how it all ends there. But our turbulence is not limited to that. The world was shaken before us — there were epidemics and plagues, there were wars that we — the pampered inhabitants of the 21st century — would not have been able to endure — we would have simply died out in them — all. However, all this time people unconsciously strived for unity, and this vector was realized in the consolidation of states into empires, the unification of countries into unions — there were many different ones. And the sacrifices made along the way did not seem in vain. Perhaps only excessive.

Now the wind has changed. Humanity is becoming disunited at all levels — from the disintegration of the institution of family and marriage to the collapse of state coalitions. Even the Internet no longer unites people — the level of content filtering has risen to an absolutely unprecedented height. This could be compared to the era of the Inquisition, with the only difference being that in those distant times there was not so much information and such a number of diverse views on the World, starting from the widest range of pseudo-religious views and the theory of a flat Earth, and to equally stunning scientific hypotheses, which — in most of them — have no confirmation (here we are already touching on the ideas of multiverses and alternative time).

The combination of the listed factors (rapidly increasing disunity, a motley fan of views on the World, torn away from reality in most shades; the inability to work with large volumes of information and sabotage of the information flow; physical and physiological degradation of the majority of representatives of humanity) is already catastrophic in itself — potentially. But if we add to this objective climate instability and a steady increase in average temperatures on the planet and humidity, then we can guess where things are heading.

The upcoming episode, which we have already entered (at the turn of July and August) will be very sobering. Not for everyone, of course. But it seems to me that a critical mass of people who realize the irreversibility of the changes taking place will still be achieved. This means that there is a chance for some stabilization after the catastrophic period. How long it will last is unknown. But hardly less than two or three years.

However, further on — in the script of this music album — a brighter streak begins.

The graphics in this video were created by Irina Shamaeva ( The Prompter ) using the Midjourney neural network.

The link to the album is below:

Sunday, September 1, 2024

«nightFireflies» track from HEAVEN II new album «past - music - future» by Andrey Klimkovsky

«nightFireflies» track from HEAVEN II new album «past - music - future» by Andrey Klimkovsky. Video version

We don’t really like changes… we did at school, but those were different changes. And we were different. And Humanity as a whole has always lived with the dream of building an ideal World, in which nothing would have to be changed, improved, or tweaked. And then everyone would be happy.

Meanwhile, the World without Man was approximately like this — everything in it was balanced, equilibrated. Changes, if they happened, were smooth, unnoticeable. It was Man who made the most changes on planet Earth — a creature who is now panicky afraid of change.

The main change that awaits us is that if earlier there were turning points that were considered a disaster, but after which stability and calm reigned for a period of time… now there will be no pauses between large-scale updates of our World. Approximately like in modern computers — while you are typing the text of this publication, a new operating system has suddenly been installed, and it didn’t even ask for a reboot — everything is already working in version N+1. But you don’t know how to use it.

We are currently living in a short lull before the global wave of updates, some of which have already been installed, but we haven’t realized it yet. And we admire the night fireflies, which are so beautiful in the darkness, and each one beckons somewhere in its own direction — “Fly with me, it’s good there… No, fly with me, it’s wonderful there… Fly and don’t think about anything, just accept this night as it is…”

With the dawn, all the fireflies will go out. Some will really lead you to a better place, but only if you yourself somehow felt that you are on the same path with it. But most often, the firefly didn’t care at all where to fly in this equally directed World — they come here only for the night.

Now forget everything you’ve read. Because this was the preface to the new track “nightFireflies” from the new album HEAVEN II “past — music — future”.

The graphics at the heart of the video were created by Irina Shamaeva ( The Prompter ), an expert in writing prompts for neural networks.

«updateVector» track from HEAVEN II new album «past — music — future» by Andrey Klimkovsky

«updateVector» track from HEAVEN II new album «past — music — future» by Andrey Klimkovsky. Video version

But if we talk about life in general and its unexpected changes, then the reason for most metamorphoses also lies outside the plane of our usual vision of the overall picture — we are not given to see the most important. But this is precisely why other forms of perception of reality exist. For some, they are expressed in intuition or even clairvoyance. Someone is gifted with visionary abilities. But still, the majority of insights reach us through the channel of art — a special form of indirect expression of reality (or even — not yet formed in our time slice of reality) — through music, painting, sometimes even dance, not to mention literary works — both spiritual and science fiction. True, lately we have forgotten how to read between the lines, and the lines themselves contain more and more falsehood, although we try to perceive it literally, which only dissuades us from any value of science fiction (and it degenerates — transforms into an exclusively entertaining genre), as well as “art” in general. Well, yes — that’s why we become insensitive — because we increasingly seek entertaining sensations — like a drug addict who needs an ever-increasing dose over time, but at the same time is no longer able to perceive something subtle and truly beautiful in life.

It would be wrong to regard this piece of music as an incentive to look for subtle manifestations in life. Perhaps this is just a rather crude illustration of some fleeting insight that happens to each of us, after which we again fall into a slumber, not attaching much importance to the experience that happened.

This is another episode from the new album “past — music — future”, which was also illustrated with AI images by Irina Shamaeva ( The Prompter ). True, the gallery that caught my attention was not enough for the entire track. I had to review all of Irina’s neural network work. There are a great many amazing images, but not all of them were suitable for a specific mood. Something will fit perfectly into the following tracks. But I managed to get enough for this one, although it didn’t come out as a stylistically monolithic picture. However, the main thing is to present the audio track. Each listener can have their own visual interpretations. My idea was that sometimes a slight push to change the usual can destroy the harmony and order that has been built up over centuries. But the point is that there is no need to build anything up over centuries.

You shouldn’t look for the designated meaning in this video sequence. It is beyond of this.