
Composer Andrey Klimkovsky. BLOG

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Andrey Klimkovsky is a Russian composer working in the electronic music space. Musical images he created — «Music of Celestial Spheres», «Starry Sky», «ALEALA» and «DreamOcean» have become classics of the genre, gaining fame both in Russia and abroad. The musician regularly gives spectacular live concerts and collaborates with many other representatives of the Russian electronic scene, leads a popular community about synthesizers and workstations, participates in astronomical expeditions and practices a healthy lifestyle.


Sunday, September 1, 2024

«updateVector» track from HEAVEN II new album «past — music — future» by Andrey Klimkovsky

«updateVector» track from HEAVEN II new album «past — music — future» by Andrey Klimkovsky. Video version

But if we talk about life in general and its unexpected changes, then the reason for most metamorphoses also lies outside the plane of our usual vision of the overall picture — we are not given to see the most important. But this is precisely why other forms of perception of reality exist. For some, they are expressed in intuition or even clairvoyance. Someone is gifted with visionary abilities. But still, the majority of insights reach us through the channel of art — a special form of indirect expression of reality (or even — not yet formed in our time slice of reality) — through music, painting, sometimes even dance, not to mention literary works — both spiritual and science fiction. True, lately we have forgotten how to read between the lines, and the lines themselves contain more and more falsehood, although we try to perceive it literally, which only dissuades us from any value of science fiction (and it degenerates — transforms into an exclusively entertaining genre), as well as “art” in general. Well, yes — that’s why we become insensitive — because we increasingly seek entertaining sensations — like a drug addict who needs an ever-increasing dose over time, but at the same time is no longer able to perceive something subtle and truly beautiful in life.

It would be wrong to regard this piece of music as an incentive to look for subtle manifestations in life. Perhaps this is just a rather crude illustration of some fleeting insight that happens to each of us, after which we again fall into a slumber, not attaching much importance to the experience that happened.

This is another episode from the new album “past — music — future”, which was also illustrated with AI images by Irina Shamaeva ( The Prompter ). True, the gallery that caught my attention was not enough for the entire track. I had to review all of Irina’s neural network work. There are a great many amazing images, but not all of them were suitable for a specific mood. Something will fit perfectly into the following tracks. But I managed to get enough for this one, although it didn’t come out as a stylistically monolithic picture. However, the main thing is to present the audio track. Each listener can have their own visual interpretations. My idea was that sometimes a slight push to change the usual can destroy the harmony and order that has been built up over centuries. But the point is that there is no need to build anything up over centuries.

You shouldn’t look for the designated meaning in this video sequence. It is beyond of this.

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