
Composer Andrey Klimkovsky. BLOG

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Andrey Klimkovsky is a Russian composer working in the electronic music space. Musical images he created — «Music of Celestial Spheres», «Starry Sky», «ALEALA» and «DreamOcean» have become classics of the genre, gaining fame both in Russia and abroad. The musician regularly gives spectacular live concerts and collaborates with many other representatives of the Russian electronic scene, leads a popular community about synthesizers and workstations, participates in astronomical expeditions and practices a healthy lifestyle.


Thursday, September 12, 2024

«Are we alone in the Universe?» — new composition and video-version

«Are we alone in the Universe?» — new composition and video-version. Composer Adrey Klimkovsky

Sometimes it seems that - yes - alone. Judge for yourself - scientists have been searching for at least some manifestations of extraterrestrial life (at least life - not even intelligence) for so many years, but so far the result is consistently negative. The Universe is huge, and common sense tells us that if We somehow appeared on one of the countless grains of sand - on this planet, then someone else must appear... But where is he then?!

Let's think about how long people have been looking for their own kind or just extraterrestrial life.

Let's start with the fact that before the beginning of the Renaissance, such searches did not arise in the minds of people. For thousands of years they settled creatures of religious and mystical origin in the heavenly and underground spheres, but to think about the possible existence of some brothers in intelligence - parallel civilizations that may differ from us in some details, but in the hierarchical ladder of universal beings stand at about the same step - this did not occur to them. The picture of the world was human-centric — the Earth was in the Center of the World, and therefore — nothing equal to it, and equal to its inhabitants, had the right to exist in the Universe. And there was not much room for it. The stars were nailed to the firmament, the planets were just huge precious stones — Diamond, Ruby, Amber... (Venus, Mars, Jupiter...) or precious metals (the Moon seemed cast from silver). And where should alternative people live?

The first people known to us to ask such questions were Nicolaus Cusanus and Giordano Bruno. They were practically the same age. How they came up with such ideas — it is impossible to guess now. If someone had similar thoughts before them, then most likely they were unable to convey their ideas and questions to us. But about 500 years ago, the seeds of doubts about our uniqueness and singularity began to sprout on our planet, and along with them, the early shoots of guesses about the infinity of the World in which we live. And infinity hardly allows for the uniqueness of at least something in it. Of course, at first only a few people spoke seriously about this. A wide discussion of the issue of extraterrestrial civilizations arose synchronously with the discovery of pseudo-canals on Mars by the Italian astronomer Giovanni Schiaparelli - about 150 years ago. Mars began to be seriously considered as a possible haven for life - similar to ours. But there are probably more than just Earth and Mars in the Universe. Venus was also considered as an option, but hot Mercury - no longer. And distant gas giants - Jupiter and more distant ones - seemed unacceptably cold for the possibility of life existing on them. Whether other planetary systems exist in the Universe - this was unknown until the beginning of the third millennium. In fact, it was only in the 21st century that science was convinced of their existence, when the first planets were discovered in the systems of other stars. And only in the last couple of decades have we known for sure that there are at least suitable places in the Universe for our intelligent brothers. But even this is not certain.

Now tell me: If we have been searching for something — on a civilizational time scale — for about a quarter of a century, do we have the right to lament that we have not yet found it? And we have not really searched for it. And we have no reason to be skeptical. Even serious astronomers are now determined to succeed in this search, although until recently science was dominated by denial. For example, astronomer Vladimir Surdin is convinced that we will discover extraterrestrial life in the current decade, and intelligent extraterrestrial life — by the middle of the century.

Well, all that's left is to live until then, not forgetting that we have many unresolved problems on Earth, because of which intelligent life on our planet, or even life in general, may end.

The musical composition «Are we alone in the Universe?» was written relatively recently. But I didn't show it to anyone for about a year and a half. Then it was included in the annual collection of electronic music dedicated to Cosmonautics Day, and sounded in it as the first track - the opening track of the release.

And now I've finally matured enough to publish this piece for all my friends and subscribers.

Enjoy listening and successful searches for what you are looking for!


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