
Composer Andrey Klimkovsky. BLOG

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Andrey Klimkovsky is a Russian composer working in the electronic music space. Musical images he created — «Music of Celestial Spheres», «Starry Sky», «ALEALA» and «DreamOcean» have become classics of the genre, gaining fame both in Russia and abroad. The musician regularly gives spectacular live concerts and collaborates with many other representatives of the Russian electronic scene, leads a popular community about synthesizers and workstations, participates in astronomical expeditions and practices a healthy lifestyle.


Sunday, September 22, 2024

«betweenLevels» — track from HEAVEN II new album «past — music — future»

“Before flying to the Moon and Mars, it would be nice to restore order on Earth” — probably every earthling remembers this popular expression, the author of which is unknown, but many current inhabitants of the planet repeat it, as if hinting that there was once order on Earth. Yes — there may have been order, but then, when we did not exist. And there was no one to appreciate it. The appearance of people brought chaos to Earth, which throughout the history of mankind only increased, expressed in world wars and ecological disasters of a planetary scale. Order could only be restored with the departure of people to some other Worlds — “No man, no problem” — our planet has long since learned this.

But right now, exactly what all connoisseurs of order have dreamed of is beginning to come true. Humanity — in its traditional form — will soon begin to leave the Earth. And by no means by moving to Mars or even the Moon, but simply passing the baton to a new type of intelligent beings that will begin to be born here in the very near future. This will entail colossal changes in the biosphere, which in the foreseeable future will return to its natural state, and the number of intelligent beings will decrease by an order of magnitude, which will allow Nature to return most of its territories. The planet will turn into a blooming garden. How this will happen — in what steps — is illustrated by the previous musical compositions, and described in the accompanying texts.

This episode corresponds to the time mark in which the greatly changed earthly civilization will be ready for a decisive step towards the development of the Solar System. It would seem that this has already begun in our days — this is what many people who follow the news of cosmonautics think. But, friends, believe that what is happening now are only cautious tests and attempts, not supported by current technologies, to prove themselves in the export of that chaos, only beyond the Earth. The modern program of colonization of the Moon and Mars has a resource-oriented focus, and partly pursues the goal of backing up us and our way of life, which is more harmful to the Universe than evolutionarily justified. And technologies based on super-heavy chemical rockets, each launch of which in itself borders on a natural disaster, are unlikely to allow colonization to be carried out effectively.

However, much can change with the renewal of humanity and with the arrival of a new generation of “Turquoise People”, with whom more environmentally friendly technologies for space exploration will come.

This will be a new frontier, and another transition to a globally new level. We are now living in conditions of transition, but our modern transition has an apocalyptic flavor. The next one will be different — because the new type of people will no longer be recorded in phases of stagnation and degradation, and constant development will allow a smoother transition from level to level.

Representatives of the outgoing generation can stay here and join the new Turquoise Humanity, provided that they make enough effort right now to daily comprehend something new — something that is not dictated by the needs of the previous era. This will activate the ability to develop, and will serve as a pass to the new World. And perhaps you and I will live in a time when the civilization of intelligent beings of our planet will be between the levels of Earthly tasks and cosmic tasks.

A link to a music album dedicated to our probable future is below. Each piece in it is a step towards the new World. It is necessary to go through all the steps.

«betweenLevels» — track from HEAVEN II new album «past — music — future». Video version. Composer Andrey Klimkovsky

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