
Composer Andrey Klimkovsky. BLOG

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Andrey Klimkovsky is a Russian composer working in the electronic music space. Musical images he created — «Music of Celestial Spheres», «Starry Sky», «ALEALA» and «DreamOcean» have become classics of the genre, gaining fame both in Russia and abroad. The musician regularly gives spectacular live concerts and collaborates with many other representatives of the Russian electronic scene, leads a popular community about synthesizers and workstations, participates in astronomical expeditions and practices a healthy lifestyle.


Sunday, September 22, 2024

«selfRenewal» — track from HEAVEN II new album «past — music — future»

Let’s assume that People, by trial and error, or perhaps from divine revelations, have obtained the best rules of existence, and have built on them some concept of their life, which has been comfortable for a long time. Isn’t that wonderful?

For a certain period of time, it is wonderful. But what then?

These rules really do simplify life. But what will people spend their time and creative energy on if everything is open and built, and there are no problems? — Just on pleasure. And this is what the majority of the Earth’s population dreams of at the moment, not knowing that prolonged pleasure is a direct path to degradation, physical and moral decay, and then — to disappearance from the face of the Earth.

That is why our life is constantly changing, giving us no peace, not allowing us to get used to anything.

But even against the background of constant changes, laws, rules, customs and traditions have sprouted, put down deep roots in the consciousness of a significant part of the human population of the globe. Uprooting them now is a very difficult task. And perhaps — as the joke goes — it is easier to make new ones than to retrain these ones. However, our planet — Earth — intends to do just that.

It does not like the way we have put down roots everywhere, covered its living spaces with a crust and a concrete-asphalt shell, and increasingly talk about immutability — unshakable traditions, while our planet needs changes. And therefore it periodically shudders and shakes off the hardened scales of humanity. The Earth needs renewal. But we — people — do not renew ourselves, and we do not let it.

With the arrival of a new generation — Turquoise Humanity — the renewal of the planet will resume. The intelligent beings coming to replace us — outwardly similar, but having the ability to easily pass through any flow of information, not block it, not get stuck in dogmas — will do what is long overdue. They will return the Earth to the appearance of the most beautiful planet in the Solar System, restore the biosphere, eliminate the consequences of the ecological catastrophe in which we live, but do not notice it, because we are used to it.

But they will start with themselves — with their own regular self-renewal. And this — by the way — is the most effective remedy against old age, which overtakes everyone who has stopped developing.

Representatives of the modern, but already departing, civilization — who will be able to reach these important changes along the timeline (following the approaching ones now — destructive and dangerous), will be able to adopt important abilities from new people. But we must be ready for this, and it is now that we need to begin internal transformation and activate self-renewal — every day discovering something new. And every day rejecting something old — obsolete.

Watch on YouTube

A link to a music album dedicated to our probable future is below. Each piece in it is a step towards a new World. It is necessary to go through all the steps.

Listen to (or Download) on Bandcamp
(album «past — music — future»)

«selfRenewal» — track from HEAVEN II new album «past — music — future». Video version. Composer Andrey Klimkovsky

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